White pepper (lada putih)
White pepper merupakan tanaman rempah dengan julukan the king of spice (raja rempah – rempah ) yang di perdagangkan secara internasional, tanaman yang banyak di budidayakan oleh para petani di Indonesia ini memiliki rasa yang khas dan sangat kuat , dengan kualitas premium dan hasil panen yang melimpah menjadikan indonesia eksportir lada putih terbesar di dunia ,pulau sulawesi selatan merupakan sala satu pulau penghasil lada terbaik di Indonesia khusunya kabupaten luwu dan luwu timur
White pepper is a spice plant with the nickname the king of spices which is traded internationally. This plant, which is widely cultivated by farmers in Indonesia, has a distinctive and very strong taste, with premium quality and abundant harvests. Making Indonesia the largest exporter of white pepper in the world, South Sulawesi Island is one of the best pepper producing islands in Indonesia, especially Luwu and East Luwu districts.
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Mega Ultra Export
MEGA ULTRA EXPORT is a distributor, exporter and supplier of the best agricultural and fishery products in Indonesia, especially white pepper, palm sugar and seaweed.
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